Thursday, 27 October 2011

Chapter 4

Setting: Back on Planet Vi-ackle. Outside on the street near the house of Vaux and Hal’s family.

Granddad frantically searches for the teleport machine and Peuge and Vaux.
Hal follows him from behind.

Hal (Panting as he catches up): Boy looks like I need another drink!

Granddad: Well, go and get one!

Hal: What? And leave you looking for Vaux? No, not possible.

Granddad: Then stop moaning, boy!

Hal: You need to calm too, Granddad! And to be honest, at your age, you need to eat and drink more.

Granddad: I’m perfectly fine!

Mondi walks past on the other side of the road, carrying an animal equivalent to a poodle, and stops to see what going on. She walks over to help.

Mondi: Hey Hal, Mr. Astro Sr. I sense a problem. Vaux up to no good again?

Granddad: Yes, that Vi-ackling just decides to steal my latest invention and disappears with it! He doesn’t know how to use it yet!!!

Mondi: Calm down, sir, you have to take it slowly.

Granddad: Slowly?! That’s easy for you to say!!

Hal: Aye, you’re a Swift Doer, as if you do things “slowly”.

Mondi: Well, at least we have time to think.

Hal + Granddad (Gasp): Think?!

Mondi (smiles): The key to all success.

Granddad: What on Vi-ackle should I be thinking abo...

Granddad cuts himself off as remembers something.

Granddad (biting fingers): Oh no, it’s my fault! I didn’t deactivate the machine!. (Buries face in hands) How could I be so stupid?!

Hal (Patting Granddad gently): Don’t worry, Granddad, you can make another one to find him.

Granddad (frantically looks back up at Hal): Another one?! In one day?!

Hal (smiling): Well, we have a Swift Doer in our hands. And you’ve got all the research and pictures done, Mondi will know exactly what to do in the nick of time.

Mondi gives a sly grin.

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