Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Chapter 1

Setting: On Planet Vi-ackle. Late afternoon. Corner shop called ‘The Corner’.

Narrative: It’s late afternoon, and when you think all is going well...

Sound of tins, boxes and bottles are heard with Tinkle-tankle and Rumble-rumble.

Female Vi-ackling (in shop): AARRGGHH!!

Vaux (in shop): Sorry!

Male Vi-ackling (in shop): HEY, WATCH WHERE YOU’RE GOING!

Vaux (Green alien) gets kicked out of the shop by Shop Assistant for seemingly being mischievous.

Shop Assistant: GET OUT!!

Vaux (to Shop Assistant who is off screen): Yeah, well good day to you too!

Peuge (Pink alien) comes walking by.

Peuge: Causing trouble again, cous?

Vaux (starts to walk with his cousin): Ah! That guy needs to get his eyes and ears tested.

Peuge: Does he? Or do you need your head checked?

Vaux: His eyes and ears, definitely!

Peuge laughs.

Vaux: I mean it's not my fault, the stack of tins fell rolling down on the floor and ran every vi-ackling folk over! All I wanted was to buy a drink. I’m so thirsty!

Peuge (laughing): Come on Vaux, it's not like you never did that before.

Vaux: Trust me, Peuge, it wasn't me this time. Mondi pushed me and I lost control!

Peuge: Is she bugging you again?

Vaux (sighs): Yeah, you bet! That vi-ackling maiden is killing me!

Peuge: Well, at least she isn’t Volco.

Vaux: Yeah, I guess so. Good riddance he’s banished after all the problems HE caused!

Mondi (Maroon alien) comes out of the corner shop with her friends.

Mondi (calling from behind) Oh Vaux! Better luck next time, yeah? Shame you don’t have any muscles, cos you could've swung the shop keeper out instead!

Vaux and Peuge stops and turns as Mondie and her friends laugh as they walked way.

Mondi: Bye Vaux!

Vaux blushes with anger.

Vaux (shouting at the girls and waving his arms about): Yeah, well if I had muscles I would've swung you out too!

Peuge (calming his cousin down): Come on, Vaux, let's take you home.

Peuge and Vaux continue walking home.

Vaux: I wish her type could slow down! They do things so fast and without any sign of a glitch!

Peuge: Well, try not to think about it anymore, ok?

Vaux: I wonder if Grandad has finished building that new teleport machine.

Peuge: Maybe he has. He’s been working on it for weeks and he was almost finished the last time I saw him.

Closed eyes of Volco flash on screen before coming back to Peuge and Vaux walking into the distance.

Vaux: I just can’t wait to get off this planet!

Peuge laughs.

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