Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Chapter 2

Setting: Garage in front of house with door open.

Hal (twin brother of Vaux) drinking from a fast food cup, watching his Granddad doing some work on his new invention. A teleport machine that can be used to go from one planet to the next. It is like a two-seater with buttons on the arms and a semi-circle radar at the back.

Hal (leaning against the wall while drinking): Looking good Granddad! Is it almost finished?

Granddad (working at the back of the machine): Yes, Hal, just a few adjustments, and then she’s all ready to use!

Hal: Cool!

Granddad (gets up with a grin): (sighs) Right, looks like this baby is ready to go! Want a demo?

Hal (moving away from the wall, excited): Awesome! Yeah!

Hal finishes his drink and throws the cup away. He steps closer to the machine to take a better look as Granddad starts to demonstrate on how to use the machine.

Granddad (sits down in the machine and pats on the seat next to him): Right, sit down here, my boy.

Hal sits down.
Granddad presses a red button to switch the machine on.

Granddad: Now, pay attention. This is very serious stuff.

Hal watches as Granddad demonstrates. He points to a screen on the arm.

Granddad: This is where you put your destination. It can be anywhere.

Granddad presses a yellow button next to the red button and a keyboard slides out from the arm. Granddad types in ‘Earth’. Presses the yellow button again and keyboard slides back in.

Granddad (Pointing at a green button): Then press this and it will take you to the destination.

Hal (rubbing hands): That is pretty neat!

Granddad: But that’s not all. This is where our imprint comes in handy.

Hal: Like how?

Granddad: You don’t want others to notice the machine, so you just have to somehow signal to your hand and make it only visible by you.

Hal: Wow! So your imprints now have a different function!

Granddad: Only when you get the hang of it.

Hal: Shouldn’t be hard, I’m sure.

Granddad: And I’ll get the Swift Doers to help me out too.

Hal: What for?

Granddad: To make more of course! Every household will have one at least.

Hal: But, you know Swift Doers are very hard to convince. They always want it to be their way!

Granddad: Then we’ll just have to negotiate something, won’t we?

Peuge and Vaux enter. Vaux still sad.

Hal and Granddad gets up from machine. Vaux sits on the seat of machine, away from buttons.

Hal: Hey, you ok, bro?

Vaux nodded.

Peuge: Mondi’s been playing up again.

Vaux (cries): Yeah! And I’m thirsty and she didn’t let me get a chance to buy a drink! And the guy at The Corner kicked ME out!

Hal: Well you should have said. Mum bought plenty this morning.


Peuge tries to calm Vaux again.

Peuge (to Hal): Why don’t you bring one over here?

Hal: Yeah, ok.

Hal walks away.

Granddad: I think I need one big drink too!

Granddad follows Hal.

Vaux and Peuge sighs.
Peuge sits down by Vaux and accidently presses the green button. The teleport machine disappears with Peuge and Vaux.

Vaux (as they vanish): Peuge, NO!

Another flash of Volco’s eyes flash on screen. This time they are open.

Hal and Granddad re-enter with three cups of hot drinks. Their mouths drop to see the machine gone.

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