Setting: Back on Planet Earth. Outside in Rani’s neighbourhood.
Vaux (calling with hand around mouth): Rani! Where you?
Peuge follows looking at his hand. Imprint still not glowing.
Vaux: Rani! (Turns to Peuge) Hey, why are you not helping me to find her?
Peuge: I am.
Vaux: What, by looking at your hand?
Peuge: Exactly!
Vaux laughs.
Peuge: I’m serious!
Vaux looks at Peuge with one raised eyebrow.
Peuge (sighs): Look, if you haven’t noticed our imprints seem to glow when an Earthling who believes in us is present. It flickers when both a non-believer and a believer is present.
Vaux: And doesn’t glow when just a non-believer is present?
Peuge (nods): That’s right! And it’s the believers that can see and hear us.
Vaux: That explains why the Mad Boys and Rani’s Parents didn’t notice us.
Peuge: Yep.
Peuge looks back at his hand. Imprint starts flickering.
Peuge: We’re getting close now.
Vaux (concerned, looking at his flickering imprint): Ok, what if who we find isn’t Rani?
Peuge (smiles): I doubt it very much, cous. You could tell by her face that she’s the only one thriving here to have her beliefs understood.
Vaux (smiles with fascination): Wow!
A sad figure leaning against a wall appears.
The imprints start glowing brightly again as it appears to be Rani.
Vaux (runs to Rani, eyes lit up): Hey Rani! You’re ok.
Rani (sniff and dries tears): Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?
Peuge: You look like you’ve been crying.
Rani: What else would you do if you have no one who understands you?
Vaux (mumbles): You got that right.
Peuge elbows Vaux.
Vaux: Oi!
A sudden wind comes from nowhere.
Rani’s Alien Detector goes off again as another Teleport Machine with Mondi, Hal and Granddad.
Mondi’s Vi-Poodle jumps off and lands on Rani’s feet.
Mondi (shouts): Mini!
Rani (Bends down, pat’s the Vi-Poodle): Hey there!
Granddad (gets up, mumbles): They come here, by accident and befriends with an Earthling already (puffs).
Vaux (excited): Hal! Granddad! You found us!
Granddad: Yes, and now you are coming back. (Tugs on Vaux’s arm).
Hal: Where’s the other Teleport Machine?
Peuge: Er... Well, it got stolen.
Granddad (freaks out): Stolen?! How can it be stolen? You should have used the power of your hand to make it visible only to you!
Peuge: Really how?
Granddad: Like this...
Granddad just about to demonstrate when he notices his imprint was already glowing.
Granddad: How is this possible?
Peuge: That would be the power of Rani.
Granddad (turns to face everyone): Rani? Who’s Rani?
Rani (steps forward to greet Granddad): I am.
Granddad (surprised and confused): So our imprints glow for a different cause?!
Vaux: Cool huh?
Peuge: But at the moment it only works when Rani is present.
Vaux: She believes us, you know.
Mondi narrows eyes on Rani.
Mondi (pushing Rani aside): Step aside Earthling, you’re not going anywhere near my Vaux.
Rani falls to the ground.
Mondi (putting arms around Vaux’s shoulders): Come on, Vaux. Let’s find that Teleport Machine and take you home.
Vaux (goes red in cheeks, takes Mondi’s arms off his shoulder): Er... Sorry, but even if we do find the Teleport Machine, I’m not going back.
Mondi, Hal + Granddad (wide eyes): What?!
Vaux (walks over to Rani, aids her back up): Rani’s our only hope now. Without her help, our strengths would one day disappear, and our planet would be in jeopardy.
Mondi (crossing arms and narrows eyes again): Trust an Earthling Maiden to be the one who believes.
Peuge (walking to Rani and Vaux’s side): He’s right. And if we can help Rani, she can help us.
Deep Sinister Voice: How very intriguing!
Mondi, Hal, Granddad, Peuge, Vaux and Rani turn with wide eyes of shock and worry.
They see a tall yellow-green Vi-ackling, sitting on the ‘stolen’ Teleport Machine, grinning at them.
Mondi, Hal, Granddad, Peuge + Vaux (Gasp): Volco!
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