Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Chapter 7

Setting: Rani’s family home.

Narrative: A few minutes later, they arrive at their destination. Rani’s family home...

Rani, Vaux and Peuge enter the house.
Rani’s mother greets her as she comes out from kitchen with folded up washing, ready to be dried.

Rani’s mother: Hey, sweety, everything go well at school today?

Rani: Yeah, it was great!

Before Rani could explain her extraordinary day in detail, her mother disappears upstairs out of sight.

Rani (shrugs): Oh well. (Turns to Peuge and Vaux) Make yourselves at home and I’ll right back.

As Rani goes into kitchen to prepare some snacks, Peuge and Vaux step into the living room and sit themselves down on a two-seater sofa, only to find themselves sitting face to face with Rani’s father reading the evening newspaper with a cup of tea.

Peuge: Er... Hello Sir. How are you?

No response from Rani’s father.

Vaux: Hello, anybody home?

Still no response.
Vaux and Peuge exchange expressions of confusion.
Peuge gets up and as he waves his right hand in front of Rani’s father’s face, he notices the glow of the imprint stops all together.
Then a few seconds later, the imprint starts flickering again as Rani enters living room with a tray of refreshments.

Rani: I wasn’t sure what may suit your stomachs so I brought in an assortment.

Rani puts tray on centre table.

Rani’s father (behind the paper): Thank you my dear, but I think this cup of tea is enough for me.

Vaux dives in and takes a biscuit.

Rani (giggles): Oh papa, I know that. This is for my new friends who came home with me today.

Rani’s father (Puts paper down): Really? Where are they?

Rani: They’re here. (pats Vaux on shoulder) This is Vaux and Peuge is standing next to you.

Rani’s father: Darling, I thought we already had this conversation. No more fantasy into reality stuff. You’re 15 years old now, time you put this in the past.

Rani: But it’s true! Look they’re right in front of you!

Rani’s father: Rani...

Rani: Even my Alien Detector proved it!

Rani’s father: Rani, there are no such things as aliens!!

Rani (cries): Yes, there is!!!

Rani, runs out and slams front door as her mother comes down.

Peuge and Vaux look at each other as Rani’s father sighs, lifting paper back.
Peuge looks down at his hand again. The flickering stops and glow disappears again.

Rani’s mother (enters living room): Rani upset again?

Rani’s father (nods and sighs as he put down paper again with worried look on face): She needs professional help.

Rani’s mother: Then why don’t you call the GP to refer her to someone, before it gets out of hand?

Rani’s father: I will do.

Rani’s mother: Tomorrow!

Rani’s mother walks into kitchen and Rani’s father continues reading newspaper and finishes his tea.

Peuge and Vaux quietly walks out of house without anyone noticing the door being opened and shut.

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